Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An Exerpt from The Silva Method

You flip open the newspapers, and there’s yet another case of corruption, injustice and horrific crime. 
Even we ourselves are not spared. How many of us had suffered some form of violation and abuse?
How many of us have to cope with the past?
How many of us have settled for bitterness, unforgiveness and pettiness?
That Allow these "demons" to chain us up.
That is why we believe the madness… 
Content to live a life of mediocrity, so that we can be shielded from further pain.
That we are content to let our goals and dreams be wasted, as long as we can maintain some kind of order, even if it results in numbness and lifelessness.
Then, we see those that seem to live life on their own terms.
These people are not without problems or a past.
Some of them even come from broken and abusive backgrounds.
And yet, they are able to be successful in whatever they do.
It was as if the weight of this screwed-up world slides off them effortlessly, like Teflon.
There are no shackles, no confines, only complete and utter freedom!
So… why do some people have it all while others stumble and crawl?
The answer is mind-bogglingly simple…
Let me be a bit more specific.
King Solomon says, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
This means—if you envision the life of your dreams in your head...
You WILL live the life of your dreams in this present reality.
You've already made it! Imagine That!

Imagine moving on to bigger and better things?
The emotional power of past memories, MELT away.
The starting point of a new reality!
The latest buzzword is the Law of Attraction
Where you focus your mind, is what it would attract. The potential is UNLIMITED.
If you visualize healing, you will be healed.
If you visualize success, you will be successful.
If you visualize freedom, you will be set free.
Unfortunately, the problem is that the seemingly simple act of controlling your thoughts is INFINITELY harder than it looks.
We will ourselves on the right track, and suddenly a voice from the past whispers “you can’t do it” into your ear.
Suddenly, we find ourselves back to square one.
You see, learning to control your mind is not a sheer question of will.
If it were, millions of others would long be liberated.
You would have long been liberated.
Instead, Grab knowledge to tap into the unlimited power of your mind....
Attracting the things you want in your life.
Learn the secrets of controlling your mind...
Rise above reality and seize your inner potential.

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