Monday, August 30, 2010

"Water is a mirror of the heart."

"The most spectacular part is that a water crystal can reflect "thought" with its formation. That is, a phrase, an image, or a piece of music can lead to particular shapes of water crystal. In other words, water responds to words, images, and sound with different formations of water crystal. From the photographs of different formations of water crystal we can easily see that mind and matter are one thing. It appears that there is a mind inside a matter. For example, a word carries a thought, which manifest itself in the formation of water crystal in the water crystal experiments. This proves that a matter has life and thought of its own, and that a thought has its tangible representation. Matter and mind are one body with two kinds of manifestations of the same substance."

(Please note: Accompanying photographs are courtesy of Dr. Li Masuru Emotos's books, Messages from Water and More Messages from Water. <----Click to read full article.)

^--Left: Water Crystal Exposed to Word, "Angel"
Right: Water Crystal Exposed to Word, "Devil"--^
Top: Water Crystal Exposed to the Song Entitled, "Silent Night"
Bottom: Water Crystal Exposed to Heavy Metal Music

 In each experiment, the water has been exposed to different kinds of messages. Although each water crystal still shares the same chemical structure, they are actually different from one another in the thought and spirit they carry. These experiments have proven that water is a form of life, and this also applies to every word, every shape of object, and every single sound, for everything has a mind. Perhaps someday we will even be able to say hello to them once we have acquired higher abilities of observation. 
Top: A Picture of Chamomile
Bottom: Water Crystal Exposed to a Picture of Chamomile
Top: A Picture of Fennel
Bottom: Water Crystal Exposed to a Picture of Fennel

That a water crystal simulates the shape of a message it is exposed to is solid proof that every particle carries the whole image of a matter. 

This hologram vision is visible only at a micro-level. We cannot see the "thought" with our flesh eyes because "thought" exists at a micro-level and our eyes do not. If we can find a way to see things at a micro-level, we will be able to see "thought." 

We can see clearly from the experiment on water crystals that a kind thought makes things beautiful while an evil thought mutilates things. The greatest part of a human body and everything else in the world is made of water. It follows that our kind thoughts will improve the external environment, as well as ourselves. If we always keep kind thoughts, we will purify our own body, and thus become beautiful and healthy. If we always keep kind thoughts, we will also purify the environment and people around us. Our kind thoughts can improve everything in this world. It is mind-blowing to see this philosophy clearly in the water crystal experiments. The most direct way to purify the world is to keep kind thoughts. It would have a tremendous impact on the world if the public could see that point.
Left: Tap Water from Tokyo
Right: Tap Water from Tokyo after a Group of People Sent Kind Thoughts to It
"At 2 o'clock of February 2, 1997, 500 people from all over Japan, upon the invitation of Dr. Emoto, sent kind thoughts toward a bottle of tap water in Tokyo on Dr. Emoto's office desk. Everyone was asked to think the same thought, "The water is now purified. Thank you." This affectionate message was sent at the same time from 500 people all over Japan. The photo on the right was taken right afterwards. No man-made processing was done to this photograph at all. Even though the research team had expected this result, all the members of the team were moved to tears when they saw the photograph."
Left: Water from Kobe, Japan after the Earthquake
Right: Water after Exposed to Kind Thoughts

The photograph on the left was taken three days after an earthquake occurred in Kobe, Japan. It was a deformed water crystal from tap water in Kobe. The water seems to express in mutilation the feelings of panic, grief and terror that the local people experienced during the earthquake. Everyone who has seen the photograph was shocked to see the feelings expressed by water. Yet people in Kobe received a wealth of concern and help from their fellow citizens on Earth afterwards. Three months after the earthquake, the research team took another photograph of the same bottle of water (shown on the right), which then expressed the same beauty as that in the blessings and concern toward people in Kobe, Japan.

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