Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Your Galactic Signature

-------> To find your Galactic Signature
------> To read more about your Galactic Signature
Destiny: Who you Are and who you are Becoming. Your Conscious Self.
Higher Self: Tapping into this Self, helps to guide you...Higher Guidance.
Hidden Helper: Paying attention to this hidden, more subconscious self aids in your growth, too. Access this one through dreams. Mysterious power of 7. Unexpected assistance.
Challenge/Focus: This glyph may start out as a Challenge...but the older you get the more it turns into a Focus. It's karmic and a Life Lesson that you use in a disciplined, learned way. Strengthens memory reconstruction.
Compliment: This is something you use easily all the time. Sometimes you forget you have it because it comes so easily to you. Like minded power, Galactic-solar planetary partner.

Day 1: How do I call forth the resonance of my true vibration? Tone 1: Magnetic
Day 2: What are my relationships teaching me? Tone 2: Lunar
Day 3: How does my creativity express my spiritual journey? Tone 3: Electric
Day 4: What form will my spiritual journey take? Tone 4: Self-Existing
Day 5: What is my Core Purpose? Tone 5: Overtone
Day 6: How do I balance the male & female within in order to bring Heaven to Earth? Tone 6: Rhythmic
Day 7: What can I do to stand in the light of my full mystical power? Tone 7: Resonant
Day 8: How do I resonate harmoniously with the New Golden Octave? Tone 8: Galactic
Day 9: How do I shine the light for others? Tone 9: Solar
Day 10: What does my Heart Desire to Manifest? Tone 10:Planetary
Day 11: What do I need to let go of in order to reveal my emerging Wholeness? Tone 11:Spectral
Day 12: How can I utilize my relationships to explore and expand any of my self-limiting constructs? Tone 12:Crystal
Day 13: How do I surrender to the perfection of the larger pattern of my Essence Self? Tone 13:Cosmic
---> Here are the Daykeepers (individual glyphs) in the order of their appearance:

1. Red Dragon (source of life, breakthrough, divine nurturance & support, receptivity)

2. White Wind (spirit, communication, inspiration, non-tangible, idealistic, simplicity, integration of polarities, breath)

3. Blue Night (dreams, the unconcious, abundance, mystery, sanctuary, journey into self, dreamtime, dream exploration)

4. Yellow Seed (flowering, power of growth, seeding manifestation, fertile ground, gestation, opening, erupting possibilities)

5. Red Serpent (passion, sexual energy, life force, vitality, motivation, desire, kundalini, purification)

6. White World-Bridger (change, transformation, release, multi-dimensional consciousness, surrender control, revelation, death/rebirth)

7. Blue Hand (doing, completion, accomplishment, physical creativity, organizer, healer, opening, beauty, dance)

8. Yellow Star (way show-er, harmony, beneficial combinations, expanded love, elegance, mystical visionary)

9. Red Moon (feeling, water, imagination, signs, awakened attention, awareness, understanding, self-remembrance, cosmic communication, beacon)

10. White Dog (companions of destiny, heart, love, service, loyalty, spiritual strength, guardians and guides, breakthrough)

11. Blue Monkey (innocence, spontaneity, play, magic, inner child, humour, disruption)

12. Yellow Human (abundance, harvest, open vessel, quickening, cornucopia, free will, choice maker, responsibility, ambitious)

13. Red Skywalker (time/space traveller, angelic messenger, courage, new directions, mysterious journey, explorer)

14. White Wizard! (integrity, heart-knowing, alignment with divine will, magician, shaman, night-seer, priest, enchanter, psychic)

15. Blue Eagle (visionary, compassionate service, committment, global consciousness, belief in oneself, receiver, dreamer)

16. Yellow Warrior (grace, trust, inner voice, fearlessness, courage, cosmic consciousness, high standards)

17. Red Earth (grounding force, synergy, centeredness, wholeness, synchronicity, galactic alignment)

18. White Mirror (reflecting others back to themselves, endlessness, shattering truth, clarifier, spiritual warriorship, discrimination)

19. Blue Storm (catalyst, transformer, liberator, activation for ascension, purification, light body)

20. Yellow Sun (illumination, fire, cosmic/christ consciousness, bliss, union, wholeness, unconditional love, crown chakra)

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