Thursday, September 9, 2010

In Gratitude - my extremely exciting life

I’d write about my extremely exciting life…. 
But honestly … there are times when I like to be quiet, reclusive and dig into self-study to reclaim my own personal power again. Often when I over-exert myself in life, I find myself in hermit mode. I find nothing wrong with this .. and I know that others probably do the same. This time I learned so much overwhelming info; I overloaded the mother-load.

It’s the start of week three of eating only 21-layer salad and working out with a trainer… I feel great and strong, but I also feel weak and exhausted and gassy (yes gassy). Contradictions, I know. I am full of contradictions, because I can be everything! And I can switch like a light switch into a new mode … all it takes is one person or thing to switch me positive. Like my trainer helps me do this … ok I will work out today … again …. Hmmm, Will I stick with my word? I really feel like going back into my hermit cave … but what will that do? I know I will feel better with an exhausting workout. Why? Because. It just works like that.

But will I? If I don’t it’s a broken promise to myself. Except that I worked out this morning. Either way, at least I’m moving my body, looking and feeling better every time. 

It’s about practicing your own flow until you are able to flow naturally in the collective Source flow.

~More Later Lovers ~
In Gratitude,
Elana Baked a Banana Cake 4YA Greene


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