Friday, September 3, 2010

In Gratitude - Naughty

Today was one of those naughty days …

Little Brown Beo put her little brown beo boots on today. Yippeeee! LBB Adventures!!!

You know when you do that thing that you promised yourself you wouldn’t do but somehow you do?! How did I get here Again, you might think … if you are aware.

Well, just like you, I make those “oopsies”, but sometimes I prefer to! Because, I argue with myself, how do I know it’s an oopsie until I try it?

Well you’ve tried it before, even though it’s dressed as something else ---- in other words ----
YOU Already KNOW …  You’ve been there done that….
Or have we? Isn’t that insanity doing something again and again with no change … 

If we don’t follow our own music, we cannot change … is there something holding you back from evolving? Is there fear deep down of what is on the other side of the door? 

We go for what is comfortable. We go for security. We go for the safe side of life ….. The well worn pathway. There are billions of paths we can take, but sadly most stick to the one safe route. It is the adventurers who abandon fear and leap into the unknown that find the most treasure … if you are hunting … the answer is inside … 

Listen to the beat of your own drum.
~More Later Lovers ~
In Gratitude,
Elana Baked a Banana Cake 4YA Greene

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