Friday, September 3, 2010

In Gratitude ~ Remember !

Remember !

You are a powerful being inside and out.

You are meant to shine like the stars because you all are stars!

Remember that the frequency of love heals,
And the frequency of hate destroys.

Focus on Love every day.
If we heal ourselves, we can heal the world.
Your thoughts are more powerful than you think.

When the world thinks of love, the vibration is sent out and the more people think of love, the more love vibration this planet and universe will feel. This is our tool to protect ourselves from what human kind will experience. The power of each individual and their mind has the power to control what they experience. If there is a battle over control in your life; pull that plug
Fight your own fear with love.
You know the truth inside, just listen

~More Later Lovers ~
In Gratitude,
Elana Baked a Banana Cake 4YA Greene


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