Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Gratitude - The Elana Dress Day

Well, it’s another day on this planet;  
Planet Earth, that is.

I woke up this morning, heavy.  I did not feel like getting out of bed so I slept just a bit longer. I looked at my Iphone….11:11 am.

Time to get up! The day is a-wasting.

The Elana Dress
I jumped out of bed threw on my brand new Juli and Fred “Elana” Dress (Thanks Juilana!) The fabric felt great to wear and it swirled and flowed over my skin like velvet. The cut was fun and flirty but sophisticated ... like me.

I packed my folded-still-slightly-damp towel into my backpack, slipped on my flip flops, Ray Bans, and ran down the stairs, out the door, and down the beautiful streets of Santa Barbara. Every Step I was Present and Sent Love and Healing thoughts to my Body as a walking prayer to 24 Hour Fitness.

Let me tell you about this place …

If I had microscope eyes, I would be terrified. Thank God I don’t.
The hot tub, I don’t dare go in … the hot tub looks like a brown bubble bath…. The steam room I swear is crawling with bacteria ready to eat your skin while you breathe in others “waste”….But then I jump in the extra chlorinated pool and feel all the bacteria die, and my skin call out for moisture…in water.

I’m not sure how often they clean 24 hour fitness? But I feel icky every time I go there, and I’m sure glad to take a shower after that experience, but alas, it’s in a filthy shower.  The sign says they clean it once a week at 2 PM on Friday. One week of thousands of body’s in and out and all over that place.

I’m showering in shoes… I’d wear shoes 24/7 at that place. Well...
I’d probably wear shoes at every fitness club.

Despite the horrid cleanliness of the facility, every employed person there is nice and delightful. They say hello, have a good workout, and goodbye every time I’m there … I joined 2 weeks ago, and have gone everyday. Let me just say that they are on it in the customer service department. I’ve yet to be disappointed. So thanks for being on that, guys!

Today though I had an extra special compliment leaving 24 hour fitness.....it went like this …

Me walking out the door, Smile on my face.
Handsome Fitness Guy walking towards me into gym.
HFG – You’re really beautiful. You have a beautiful smile.
Me: Thank you. I love to smile.
HFG - Why don’t you take a personal fitness lesson with me?
(LOL typical question at a fitness gym from a guy, right? But he seemed nice and he was genuine so I thought about it for a minute and replied –
Me: I can’t afford it right now.
HFG – Well, I’d give it to you at no cost.
(There’s always a cost, hun)
Me: Well, ok. Thank you I appreciate it.
HFG – What’s your number, I’ll confirm tomorrow what time.
Me – Cool thanks… It was nice to meet you.
HFG – Yes, I’ve seen you around here and I’ve just thought you were so beautiful.

So I get my first real Training sesh in tomorrow with a fitness trainer. It should be interesting.
I’ll let you know how that goes  …

More Later Lovers –
In Gratitude,
Elana Baked a Banana Cake 4YA Greene

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