Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Gratitude - It’s the First, A Tuesday.

It’s the First, A Tuesday. No wait, it’s the 31st because August has 31 days … ever wonder how they figured out the calendar or time? Adding days here and there … what is time? … 24 hours in a day? … they sayhow did they come up with that ? 
If we had no clocks how would we know what time it was? 
Would we live in the flow of natural time?

I do my very best to live time in the present … the future is what I make of it.

I don’t know what to tomorrow will bring. I could strike it lucky! Wait … I am lucky just being in great health, happy, and living with open arms, eating So healthy, going with the flow of abundance … I am abundant, I create. Every Single Day.

I think about How lucky we really are …
How much time have we spent complaining?
How much time have we spent appreciating?
How much time have we spent forgiving?
How much time have we spent giving?
How much time have we spent receiving?

Take a moment…
Close your eyes, 
breathe deep, 
and SMILE. 
How does that feel?

The sensation of a smile … it’s not a matter of how long it takes to make you feel better, it just does.

The Smile ChallengeI urge you to take it….

The More you Smile at People; 
The Friendlier your Day is, Guaranteed.

Walk down the street saying Love with every step (either mouth it out loud if no one is around, or quiet in your head if there is). Be mindful of how your body moves. It’s a miracle, if you pay attention.

This is one example of an affirmation I say, but you can say anything as long as it’s positive… 

Read the article I posted about how water absorbs the energy and thoughts of you and those around you … You are made of water. So what I say is “Please heal my body, I love my body, please heal my body, I love my body”. I know that it may sound silly but if you realize that you are healing your body through your positive thought and focus on loving yourself. Take the time to always improve, work hard on expanding your mind. 

You can find peace.

~More Later Lovers ~
In Gratitude,
Elana "Baked a Banana Cake 4YA" Greene

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